MVSB’s Lorden Wins ‘Banker of the Year’

2021 Community Banker of the Year Award recipient Linda Lorden, president of Merrimack County Savings Bank (right), poses for a photo with New Hampshire Bankers Association President Kristy Merrill. Photo courtesy of the New Hampshire Bankers Association

Merrimack County Savings Bank President Linda Lorden was named the 2021 Community Banker of the Year at the NH and Vermont Banker Annual Conference on Sept. 11-12

State Senate President Chuck Morse, state Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy, and state Rep. John Hunt, chair of the House Commerce Committee formed the core of jury that chose Lorden.

“This year’s nominees reflect 160 years of experience in the banking industry and service to nearly 55 professional and community organization boards and committees. Our nominees are a wonderful representation of the commitment to community service that New Hampshire bankers demonstrate in their work every day,” NH Bankers President Kristy Merrill said in a statement. “We congratulate Linda for this well-deserved recognition whose personal and professional life embodies the spirit of the Community Banker of the Year and to each of our outstanding applicants considered for this prestigious award.”

Lorden was cited for being a leader who “nurtures a culture of giving back to the community among the bank’s employees … as well as through her personal actions.” The selection committee credited Lorden with inspiring bank employees to volunteer 3,485 hours to 72 nonprofits statewide. In her personal life, Lorden is a trustee for Concord Hospital, Capital Region Health Care and a member of the Steering Committee for the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness, and actively volunteers at the Friendly Kitchen in Concord, and previously was president of the board for the Penacook Community Center.

Lorden is also the bank’s first female president and, in 2020, received the Greater Concord of Chamber’s Citizen of the Year Award.