Nearly 30 percent of Millennials are tapping into their retirement savings for down payments, according to a new report from Down Payment Resource.
More than a third of Millennials who want to buy their first home will do so within a year, the report found.
Millennials from ages 21 to 34 who own a home were more likely to use retirement funds for their down payments than any other source of funding, including proceeds from selling assets, inherited money or gifts or money borrowed from a family member.
More than two-thirds, or 68 percent, of Millennial owners regret that they were not better prepared for the homebuying process. This is despite an increase in homeownership programs offered nationwide, which increased by 24 programs to 2,527 this year. Eighty-six percent of those programs currently have funds available for eligible homebuyers, down just a half a percent from the previous quarter.
The homeownership rate for young adults under 35 years old grew to 36.5 percent, which was the largest one-quarter increase for young homeowners since homeownership data was collected 1994. However, the under 35 homeownership rate is still the smallest when compared to any other age group.
The report also touches on Millennials’ view of the “American dream,” with more than half of Millennials (56 percent) saying that owning a home takes precedence over paying off debt or retiring comfortably. Sixty-eight percent of Baby Boomers and 59 percent of Generation X said that homeownership was important.
However, Millennials are still trailing other generations in its homeownership rate by at least 8 percentage points, according to the report. Current trends of lack of education for certain demographics will hinder young homeownership growth.