Fast 50

Lenders Adjust to Challenging Market by Focusing on Originators

Bulked-Up Supports Drew New Hires, Boosted Productivity

By hiring assistants for its loan originators, Mascoma Bank has helped its residential mortgage staff grow their volume of lending and expand where they prospect for leads.

The ultra-competitive real estate market in New Hampshire has potential homebuyers stressed and often demanding a high-touch relationship with their mortgage professionals, forcing lenders to adapt 

Lending institutions who support their loan officers and try to streamline mortgage processes are finding success so far this year, allowing them to focus on quicker turnarounds, spending more time with clients and extending their reach into new communities.  

Of the 25 fastestgrowing residential mortgage lenders in New Hampshire, Mascoma Bank has the largest total residential mortgage volume through the first half of 2019 according to The Warren Group, publisher of the Registry Review, with $52.4 million. That represents a 73 percent increase compared to the first half of 2018.  

Who are New Hampshire’s fastest-growing mortgage lenders? Click here to see the top 25 commercial and residential lenders.