Massachusetts construction sites have been allowed to resume operations if soon as they adopt strict new cleaning and distancing standards announced May 18.
“It bears repeating that Massachusetts has been one of the hardest hit states in the country… and we must be cautious and vigilant as we reopen,” Lt. Gov. Karen Polito said at a press conference announcing the changes.
Along with construction sites, office buildings, labs and manufacturing facilities were allowed to reopen. Businesses are required to complete a written COVID-19 control plan, to be available on the premises, and the state posted a sample two-page template on its COVID-19 response site.
The order lifts the two-month-old moratorium on construction, which has been restricted on a statewide basis to housing, public works and health care-related projects.
Under the new guidelines, contractors’ COVID-19 officers will submit daily reports to owners on compliance. Workers will be encouraged to avoid face-to-face meetings and maintain six-foot distancing, frequently wash hands and use sanitizer and self-report COVID-19 symptoms or contact with an infected person.