Enfield Project Hit by Zoning Lawsuit

A 300-unit Enfield housing development is at the center of a lawsuit filed by two local residents who claim the town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment improperly granted a height variance for the project.

The Laramie Farms apartment-and-townhouse development planned for the corner of Route 4 and Maple Streete in Enfield would rise up to 75 feet high in its apartment sections and 44 feet high in its townhouses, but the town’s zoning bylaw caps buildings to 35 feet.

The project was proposed by Haverhill, Massachusetts-based DC Development Construction LLC.

The Valley News first reported the lawsuit.

Linda Jones and Alv Elvestad are the abutters suing. They claim the extra height will diminish their property values and that the project site doesn’t meet the “hardship” standard that zoning boards must meet to grant a variance. During the entitlement process, the developers cited the steepness of the site in asking for a variance, noting it makes it difficult to build on parts of the property.