Cash Buyers Can Get Their Money Back
Cash is king when it comes to buying a house. Always has been, and always will be. And these days, individual cash buyers – as opposed to cash-laden investors – have an even better shot of scoring the house of their dreams.
A Homeowner’s Playbook for the Day After Disaster
These days, disasters like wildfires, tornadoes, floods and hurricanes are more powerful than ever. It’s increasingly likely your home will be hit one way or another.
States Are Taking the Fight to Squatters
Some states are taking long-overdue legislative steps to deal with squatters: people who take over others’ properties without their consent, sometimes dumping the owner’s stuff and trashing their homes.
Basic Customer Service Creates Big Opening for Agents
Nearly half of online property inquiries are simply ignored, according to new research from real estate analyst and consultant Mike DelPrete.
Thinking Solar? Beware of Crooked Lenders
Homeowners considering adding solar panels to their rooftops should beware of crooked lenders who mislead customers about the terms and conditions of their financing.
Listing a Home? Get the Sellers to ‘Edit’
Price, location and condition all play a part in whether or not someone decides to buy your house. But a homeowner can only control one of them, and it’s not price or location.
FHA Rehab Loan Program Gets Important Updates
At last, Uncle Sam’s primary program for helping homeowners and buyers rehab their properties is moving into the 21st century.
The Real Cost of Selling Goes Way Beyond Agent Commissions
Most people realize they’ll have to pay a hefty commission to sell their homes. But that’s not even the half of it – literally – according to new research.
Builders Building Small, But Maybe Not Small Enough
Builders are constructing their smallest houses in years, but they still may not be small enough for a significant portion of the population.
Casual Chitchat Can Cost You a Real Estate Deal
Loose lips can not only sink ships, they can also scuttle real estate transactions. That applies to what home sellers say on social media as well as during a showing.